Sunday, 25 February 2018

Civil guides


Civil engineering diploma and B tech

                   What is
                    Aggregates definition 
                       It's types

  • Do you want to learn aggregate definition aggregate qualities and its type if yes then you are at right place here in this article you will learn all about it

 Aggregate definition

  • Aggregates are inert materials that are mixed in fixed proper proportions with a binding material to produce concrete
  • These act as failures or volume increasing component on the one hand and are responsible for strength hardness and during durability of the concrete on other hand I hope that aggregate definition will be cleared

Quality of aggregates

  • Flowing are the most important qualities of an aggregate
  1. It should be chemically inert I.e they should not react with cement or any other aggregate or admixture
  2. It should process sufficient hardness to resist scratching and aberration in the hardness hardened state
  3. It should process sufficient toughness bear impact and vibratory loads.
  4. It should b strong enough to bear compressive and normal tensile load in ordinary mixture
  5. It should be free from I'm pretty inorganic or organic in nature which will effects adversely  on its quality
  6. It should be capable of producing and easily workable plastic mixture on company combining with cement and water

Aggregate classification

Aggregate are variously Classified on the basis of their grain size there organic and their volume weight as follows

(A) aggregate types on the basis of grain size

This is the most common classification where in two types of aggregates are fine aggregate and coarse aggregate

Fine aggregates

In the fine aggregates the grain size lies between 4.75 mm and 0.15 mm in other words these passed through from sieve of o.15 mesh size 

Send is the most universally available natural fine aggregate

Coarse aggregate s

  • Coarse aggregates are those that are retained on the sieve of mesh size 4.75 mm there upper size is generally around 7.5 mm travels from river bed or the best course aggregates in the making of common concrete
In those situations if they are not easily available suitable Rock types are crushed to the decide particle size of making coarse aggregates

(B) types on the basis of origin

They are three types on the basis of origin

(1) natural: these include all those type of fine and coarse aggregates that are available in almost ready to use from natural resource

Example: are Sands from river beds pits and beaches and gravels from river banks 

(2) Bye product : these include materials obtained as wastes from some industrial and metallurgical engineering operations which possess suitable properties for being used as aggregate 

Examples: cinder obtained from during of coal in locomotives and kilns and slag are obtained from blast furnace as scum are the best example from this category 

(3) processed : these from a special class in aggregates they are specifically manufacturer for used in making quality concretes

Examples: they include burnt clay shales vermiculite s and perlite they are essential 
Ingredients of lightweight concrete .

(C) types on the basis of density

Three Types of aggregates are distinguished on the basis of their weight per unit volume 

(1) standard or normal

This type of aggregates gives strength and waiting to the concrete of around 2300 to 2500 kg meter cube gravel send and crushed stone are all classes as standard or normal aggregates

(2) high density aggregates: these are that type of aggregates which is used in standard proportions yield in heavy weight concretes search concretes are especially useful as shields against x -rays and radiation in atomic power plant 

Examples :baryle a natural mineral with specific gravity of 4.3 is an example concrete with such aggregates usually wait about 4000 kg metre cube

(3) lightweight aggregates: that consists of natural and artificial materials of very low density so that the resulting concrete is also quite light in weight generally with in a range of 350 to 750 kg metre cube they are specially used in sound proofing and fire proofing contraction they are also used extensively Hindi manufacture of lightweight precast concrete blocks.

Thanks a lot for reading this article now all of your points about aggregates definitions its classification will be cleared

If you have any question related to aggregates definition or anything related to this article you can ask me through contact me my number is 7073 360 317

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