Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Test on cement at construction site to check quality of cement

Test on cement at construction site to check quality of cement

Quality test on cement at construction site also called failed test on cement are carried out the quality of cement supplied at site it gives some idea about cement quality based on colour touch and feel and others test

Test on cement at construction site

The following are the quality test on cement at construction site
  1. Colour
  2. Persons of lamps
  3. Adulteration test
  4. Temperature test
  5. Float tests
  6. Strength test
  7. Setting test
  8. Date of baking

Colour test of cement                                         

The colour of the cement should be uniform it should be grey colour with a light greenishs shade. 

Persons of lumps                                               

The cement should be free from any hard lumps search lamps are formed by the absorption of moisture from the autumn spare any bag of cement containing such lumps should be rejected

Cement adulteration test                                  

The cement should feel smooth when touched or rubbed in between fingers .if it is felt rough it indicates adulteration with sand.

Temperature test of cement

If hand is inserted in a bag of cement or heap of cement it should feel cool and not warm    

Float test

If a small quantity of cement is true in a bucket of water the particles would float for some time before eat sinks 

Setting test

A thick paste of cement with water is made on a species of Glass plate and it is kept under water for 24 hours it should set and not crack

Strength of cement test

A block of cement 25 mm x mm and 200mm long is prepared and it is immersed for 7 days inverter it is then placed on supports 15 CM apart and it is loaded with weight of about 34 kgs d-block should not so signs of failure                                                                    the briquettes of a lean mortar (1:6) are made the size of briquettes my be about 75 × 25 mm × 12  mm they are Immeresed inverter for a period of 3 days after during if cement is of sound quality such  briquettes will not be broken easily .

Date of packing

Strength of cement reduce with time so it is important to check the manufacturing date of the cement generally the cement should be used before 90 days from the date of manufacturing

Monday, 26 February 2018

Aggregate test

Aggregates test

Crushing strength test on aggregates

Aggregate crushing value gives the crushing strength of aggregate upto which it can be bear the load without fail to conduct crushing strength we need comparison testing machine cylindrical measure plunger and sieves 

Frist sieve the sample aggregate aggregate passing 12.5 mm sieve and retaining 10mm sieve is oven dries at 100-110 centigrade for 3-4 hrs the cylinder is filled with aggregate in three layers 25 stocks of tempering for each letter note down its weight and insert the plunger and placed it on comparison testing machine apply the load at uniform rate of 40 tonnes load in 10 minutes then stop the machine and crashed aggregate is sieve through 2.36 mm sieve and aggregate passing 2.36 mm is weighed 

Aggregate crushing value can be obtained from below formula 

Aggregate crushing value =(w2/ww1)

                    Abrasion test on aggregates

Hardness property of aggregate is determined by conducting abrasion test Los Angeles abrasion testing machine is used to conduct this test

For these test this sample Tekken should be cleaned and dried the sample is weighed w1 and placed in Los Angles testing machine and the machine is operated machine should be rotated at a speed of 20 to 33 Revolution per minute after 1000 Revelations the sample is taken out and saved through 1.7 mm sieve sample retained on 1.7 mm is washed and dried and note down its weight W2

Aggregate abrasion value=(w1-w2)/w3)×100%

Impact test on aggregates

Impact value of aggregate will give aggregate capability against student loans or Force for this test also aggregate passing through 12.5 mm and written on 10 mm sieve is taken and oven dried

Feel the Slender with aggregate in three layers 25 strokes of camping for each layer weight W one noted the cylinder is placed in impact testing machine which consists a hammer after placing the cylinder hammer is raised to 380 mm and release freely then it will below the aggregates repeated for 15 sets blow blow after that take down the sample and aggregate passing through 2.36 mm sieve is weighed as w2 

Aggregate impact value= (w2/w1)*100%

Soundness test on aggregates

To determine the weathering resistance of aggregate soundness test is conducted if the resistance against weathering is good for aggregates then it will have high durability

For soundness test we need some chemical solution namely sodium sulphate or magnesium sulphate this sample of aggregate passing through 10 mm Sieve and retained on 300 micron sieve is taken .dry and weigh the sample and immerse them in the chemical solutions for about 18 hours .after that take the sample and dried it in oven at 100-110 centigrade repeat this producer 5 times for one sample and wait the aggregate finally and note down the difference in weight loss

The weight loss should be below 12% if sodium sulphate is used below 18% if magnesium sulfate is used

Shape test on aggregates

Shape of aggregate is also important consideration for the construction of pavement aggregate should not contain flaky and orangutan particles in it if they contain this type of particles they will affect the stability of mix  

The percentage by weight of aggregates whose least dimension is less the 3/5th of its main dimension is called as flakiness index
The percentage by weight of aggregate particles whose greatest dimension is 1.8 Times domain dimension is called as elongation  index

In this test shape test gauge are taken and minimum of 200 pieces containing sample is passed through respective case material written on thickness Gauge and material written on length gauge is wait to an accuracy of 0.1% 

      Water absorption test on aggregate

This test helps to determine the water absorption value of aggregates to perform this test minimum 2 kg sample should be used this sample should be cleaned and dried place the sample in wire basket and dip the basket in distilled  water bath to lift and deep the basket for about 25 times in 25 second

Leave the basket for 24 hours and after that allowed it to drain for few minutes aggregate should be taken on dry cloth and exposed them to autumn spare sunlights after drying with the aggregate w1 then place the aggregate in oven at 100to 110 centigrade centigrade for 24 hours after oven drying again wait the aggregate w 2

Water absorption of aggregates=(w1-w2)/w2×100%

Sunday, 25 February 2018

Test of bricks


Types of test on bricks for building construction works

  • Various types of test on Brick are conduct to check the qualities of bricks for construction purpose tests on bricks are conducted at construction site as well as in laboratory bricks are oldest and important construction materials because of their durability reliability strength and low cost to produce good quality of structure good quality materials are required to decide the quality of the materials some test are to be conducted on BRICS datastage which are required to find the suitability of bricks for construction purpose or discussed below 

Types of tests on bricks for construction purpose

Flowing tests are conducted on bricks to determine its suitability for construction work
  • Absorption test                                                  
  • Crushing strength test                                      
  • Hardness test                                                    
  • Shape and size                                                  
  • Colour test                                                         
  • Soundness test                                                 
  • Structure of brick                                             
  • Presence of soluble salts efforescence       

Absorption test 

Absorption test is conducted on break to find out the amount of moisture content absorbed buy break under extreme condition in this test sample dry bricks are taken and weighed after weighing these breaks are placed in water with full in immersing  for a period of 24 hours then wake the weight brick and note down its value the difference between dry and wet bricks will give the amount of water absorption for a good quality brick and the amount of water at the absorptions should not accessed 20% of weight of dry brick

Crushing strength or compressive strength test on brick

Crushing strength of bricks is determined by placing breaks in compressive testing machine after placing the break in comparison testing machine apply load on it until break bricks note down the value of failure lord and find out the crushing strength value of Tariq minimum crushing strength of brick is 3.5 50 Newton mm square and then 3 point 15 mm square then it is not useful for construction purpose

Hardness test on bricks

A good brick should resist scratches against safe things so for this test a shape tool or finger nail is used to make scratch on break if there is no scratch comparison on break then it is said to be hard brick

Shape and size test on bricks

 Shape and size of bricks are very important consideration all brakes used for construction should be of same size the shape of bricks should be purely rectangular with shape age standard brick size consist length width and height is 90 cm ×9cm×9cm
To perform this test select 20 bricks randomly from break group and stack them along it is length width and height and compare so if all breaks similar size then they are qualified for construction work

 Colour test of bricks

A good break should process bright and uniform colour throughout it is body

                              Soundness test of bricks

Soundness test of bricks show the nature of brakes against should an impact in this test two bricks are choice randomly and stroke with one another than sound produced should be clear Bell ringing sound and break should not break then it is said to be good bricks

                          Structure of bricks

To now the structure of BRICS pick one break randomly from the group and break it observer the inner portion of brick clearly it should be free from lumps and homogeneous. 

                        Efforescence test on bricks 

A good quality brick should not contain any  soluble salts in it if soluble salts are there then it will cause efflorescence on brick surface  

To now the persons of soluble salts in a brick placed it in a water bath for 24 hours and dry it in shade . After driving observe the brick surface truly if there is any white or grey colour deposit then it contains soluble Salts and not useful for construction     

Read more : aggregates test

About cement


Cement is a binding material used to bind different type of construction materials together it is formed from argillaceous siliceous calcareous ect.

 by twisting this internal mix ratio and by altering the chemical inputs special type of cement can be produced according to their needs

Apart from the gernal type that we are using in day to day activity there are some special cement type available in the market the below table will explain that in brief

                                             Types of cement

  • Rapid hardening Portland cement
  • Sulphate resisting cement             
  • Low heat cement                             
  • Quick setting cement                     
  • Portland pozzolana cement          
  • High Alumina cement                    
  • Coloured cement                            
  • White ordinary Portland cement  
  • Ordinary Portland cement            


(Rapid hardening Portland cement )


RHPC manufactured by combining lime stone finely grounded and shale at high temperature 

(Situatuions )

These type of cement is used where high strength is need to be achieved in inital 
stage quickly


Road pavement work and precast concrete casting beams columns ect.

(Sulphate resisting cement)

                                  (   Composition)

SRC is manufactured with less than 5% calcium aluminate to with stand sulphate attack

                                      (  SiTUATUIONS)

This type of cement is used where the concrete is direct contact with soil which has high sulphate content 

                                    ( PURPOSES)

Pile Foundation and in coastal area works and sewage and water treatment plant

                                  (Low heat cement)

These type cement is produced by lowering the amount for try calcium aluminate c3a and die calcium silicate c2s


These type of cement is used in mass construction like dance and in highway resistance required are

                                            ( Purpose)

Mass construction Danes contraction hydraulic engineering concrete retaining wall construction etc.

                         (Quick setting cement)

                            ( composition)

This type of cement is manufactured by reducing the amount of Gypsum and adding small amount of Aluminium Sulphate to accelerate setting time of cement

                                 ( SITUATUIONS)

As the name suggest it is used where the work needs to be done quickly

                              ( Purpose)

In underwater construction and in cold and rain weather condition

                         ( Portland pozzolana cement)

                           ( composition)

 PPC is manufactured by adding pozzolanic materials such as sly as shales clays ect.


It gains high compressive strength with age and like rapid hydroline cement it is cheap and affordable

                                ( Purpose)
It is cheap and affordable and mainly used in building construction where strength required with age and water tightness

                              (  High Alumina cement)


HAC or CAC is produced from limestone chalk and Bauxite 


This cement is used in construction of refineries factory or other workshop type structure because HAC age counter to high temperature

                                ( purpose)

Used in sewage structure and in acidic structures

                          (  Coloured cement)

                           ( composition)

Coloured cement is manufactured by mixing colour pigments 5 into 10% with opc 


As the name suggest it is used where coloured cement required for any athletic purpose

                                  ( purpose)

Artificial marble floor finishing

                 (White ordinary Portland cement)


WOPC is name as the ordinary Portland cement except the colour


WOPC used in whitewashing purpose for testing purpose

                            ( purpose)

 Used as a base coat before painting and used to cover the hairline cracks on concrete surface to give smooth finishing

                            ( ordinary Portland cement)

                            ( composition)

Opc is manufactured by mixing limestone chalk with shale /clay to form clinker which is then finely crushed to form grey colour cement 

                        ( SIUTATUIONS)

Commonly used for all type of construction works

                            ( purpose)

Widely used in residential construction where is special type of cement properties is not required        

Civil guide

Standard and nominal brick size in India

In India standard brick size is190mm×90mm
×90mm as per the recommendation of bis with mortar thickness the dimension of the brick becomes 200 mm × 100 mm ×100 mm
Which is also known as the nominal size of the modular brick
Types of brick

Bricks : are used for building and permanent all throughout the world dot in the USA brexit and where once used as a pavement material and now it is more widely used as a decorative surface rather than roadway material brakes are usually late plate and are usually bonded forming a structure to increase it is stability and strength there are several types of bricks used many of them being about 8 inches long and 4 inches thick

There are various type of bricks used in machinery
  1. Common brand clay bricks
  2. Sand lime bricks calcium silicate bricks
  3. Engineering bricks
  4. Concrete bricks
  5. Fly ash bricks

Bricks are used as sitting in the building industry due in part to it is important that it is and just because it can be a good affordable option below we summarise the benefits and application of the most commonly used type of bricks

Common burnt clay bricks

Common brand clay bricks are formed by pressing in moulds  then these bricks are dried and fired in a kiln common brand clay bricks are used in journal work with no special attractive aprons Wendy's bricks are used in walls they acquire plastering or rendering 

Send lime bricks

Send lime bricks are made by mixing send fly ash  lime Follwed  by a chemical process during wet mix in the mix is then molded under pressure forming the break these break can offer advantage our clay bricks such as
  • Their colour app Reliance is Grey instead of the regular reddish  collar.
  • There safe is uniform and percentage a smooth finish that doesn't require plasterin
  • These bricks offer excellent strength as a load bearing member
What are engineering bricks

Modern engineering bricks bricks manufactured at extremely high temperatures forming a dense and strong brakes allowing the brakes to Limit strength and water absorption

Engineering bricks offer excellent load bearing capacity damp proof characteristics
And chemical resisting properties these bricks are used in specific projects and they can cost more than regular or traditional bricks
                           Concrete bricks

Concrete bricks are made from solid concrete and are very common among home builders concrete bricks are usually placed in cicadas fences and provide an excellent tastic persons these bricks can be manufactured to provide different colours and pigmented during its production

Fly ash clay BRICS

Fly ash clay bricks are manufactured with clay and fly ash at about 1000 degrees some studies have so that these breaks tend to fail PO produced pop outs when brakes come into contact with moisture and water using the bricks to expand

Why is bricks construction so popular

There are many advantage when bricks are used as part of the construction the following list persons some of the most common advantage when using bricks instead of other construction material

Civil guides


Civil engineering diploma and B tech

                   What is
                    Aggregates definition 
                       It's types

  • Do you want to learn aggregate definition aggregate qualities and its type if yes then you are at right place here in this article you will learn all about it

 Aggregate definition

  • Aggregates are inert materials that are mixed in fixed proper proportions with a binding material to produce concrete
  • These act as failures or volume increasing component on the one hand and are responsible for strength hardness and during durability of the concrete on other hand I hope that aggregate definition will be cleared

Quality of aggregates

  • Flowing are the most important qualities of an aggregate
  1. It should be chemically inert I.e they should not react with cement or any other aggregate or admixture
  2. It should process sufficient hardness to resist scratching and aberration in the hardness hardened state
  3. It should process sufficient toughness bear impact and vibratory loads.
  4. It should b strong enough to bear compressive and normal tensile load in ordinary mixture
  5. It should be free from I'm pretty inorganic or organic in nature which will effects adversely  on its quality
  6. It should be capable of producing and easily workable plastic mixture on company combining with cement and water

Aggregate classification

Aggregate are variously Classified on the basis of their grain size there organic and their volume weight as follows

(A) aggregate types on the basis of grain size

This is the most common classification where in two types of aggregates are fine aggregate and coarse aggregate

Fine aggregates

In the fine aggregates the grain size lies between 4.75 mm and 0.15 mm in other words these passed through from sieve of o.15 mesh size 

Send is the most universally available natural fine aggregate

Coarse aggregate s

  • Coarse aggregates are those that are retained on the sieve of mesh size 4.75 mm there upper size is generally around 7.5 mm travels from river bed or the best course aggregates in the making of common concrete
In those situations if they are not easily available suitable Rock types are crushed to the decide particle size of making coarse aggregates

(B) types on the basis of origin

They are three types on the basis of origin

(1) natural: these include all those type of fine and coarse aggregates that are available in almost ready to use from natural resource

Example: are Sands from river beds pits and beaches and gravels from river banks 

(2) Bye product : these include materials obtained as wastes from some industrial and metallurgical engineering operations which possess suitable properties for being used as aggregate 

Examples: cinder obtained from during of coal in locomotives and kilns and slag are obtained from blast furnace as scum are the best example from this category 

(3) processed : these from a special class in aggregates they are specifically manufacturer for used in making quality concretes

Examples: they include burnt clay shales vermiculite s and perlite they are essential 
Ingredients of lightweight concrete .

(C) types on the basis of density

Three Types of aggregates are distinguished on the basis of their weight per unit volume 

(1) standard or normal

This type of aggregates gives strength and waiting to the concrete of around 2300 to 2500 kg meter cube gravel send and crushed stone are all classes as standard or normal aggregates

(2) high density aggregates: these are that type of aggregates which is used in standard proportions yield in heavy weight concretes search concretes are especially useful as shields against x -rays and radiation in atomic power plant 

Examples :baryle a natural mineral with specific gravity of 4.3 is an example concrete with such aggregates usually wait about 4000 kg metre cube

(3) lightweight aggregates: that consists of natural and artificial materials of very low density so that the resulting concrete is also quite light in weight generally with in a range of 350 to 750 kg metre cube they are specially used in sound proofing and fire proofing contraction they are also used extensively Hindi manufacture of lightweight precast concrete blocks.

Thanks a lot for reading this article now all of your points about aggregates definitions its classification will be cleared

If you have any question related to aggregates definition or anything related to this article you can ask me through contact me my number is 7073 360 317

Read more: what is BRICS types of brakes and test of bricks