Beam structure
A beam is a structural element that primarily resists loads applied literally to the beans axis its mode of deflection is primarily by bending the loads applied to the beam result in reaction forces at the beam beam support. The total effect of all the process acting of on the beam is to produce shear force and bending moments with Hindi be in that intron induced internal stresses and strains and deflections of the beam are characterized by their manner of support profile (shape of cross-section )length and their material
Beams are traditionally description of building of civil engineering structural elements but any structures such as Automotive automobile friends aircraft components machine friends and other mechanical structural system content Bheem structures that are designed to carry lateral load are analysed in a similar fashion are called Bheem
(1) types of beam
A simply supported beam is a type type of beam that has pinned support at one end and roller support 8d other and depending on the lord applied it undergoes shearing and bending it's it is the one of the simplest structural elements in the existence
The flowing image lecturers simply supported beam
Simply supported beam
(2) cantilever beam:
A cantilever beam is fixed at one end and free at other end it can be seen in the image below
(3) overhanging beam:
Overhanging beam is a beam that has one or both and portions extending beyond it is support it may have any number of supports if viewed in a different perspective it appears as if it is has the future of simply supported beam and cantilever beam
(4) continuous beam
A continuous beam has more than two supports distributed throughout its length it can be understood well from the image below
(5) fixed beam
All the names against fixed beam is a type of beam whose both and are fixed
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