Monday, 12 March 2018

About natural environment

                   Natural environment

The natural environment encompasses all living and nonliving things accuring naturally meaning in this case not artificial the trans is most often  applied to the earth or some parts of Earth this environment encompasses the integration of all living spaces climate weather and natural resource that affect human survival and economic activity the concept of the natural environment can be distinguished as components:        

. Complete ecological units that function as Natural system without massive civilized human intervention including all visitation

Microorganisms soil rocks atmosphere and natural phenomena that occur within their boundaries and their nature 

Universal natural resources and physical phenomena that Lack  clear  cut boundaries such as a water and climate as well as energy radiation electrical charge and magnesium not organising from civilized human actions 

In contrast to the natural environment is the bullet environment in such Areas where man has fundamentally transformed building as urban setting and agricultural land conversion the natural environment is greatly modified into a simplified human environment even act which seem less extreme such as building such as building Ahmed Hut or a photovoltaic system in this desert modify the natural environment into a artificial one though  many animals build things to provide a better environment for Thumbs leave they are not human hence they were dams and the work of mound building termites are thought of as natural 

People seldom find absolutely natural environment on earth end natural nails usually varies in a Continuum from hundred percent natural in 1 extreme to zero percent natural in the other more precisely,we can considered different as facts or components of environment and see that the degree of Natural Natural nails is not uniform if for instance in a agriculture field the mineral logic composition and the structure of it is soil are similar to those of an and distribute forest soil but structure is quite different


An ecosystem also called as environment is a natural unit consisting of all plants animal and microorganisms biotic factors of the environment functioning together with all of the non living physical abiotic factors of the environment
Central to the ecosystem concept is the idea that living organisms are continually engaged in a highly interrelated set of set of relationship with every other element constituting the environment in which the exist Eugene odum one of the founders of the science of ecology started any unit that includes all of the organism the community in a given area interacting with the physical environment so that a flow of energy leads to clearly defined trophic structure biotique diversity  and material cycles between living and nonliving parts with the  system is an ecosystem

The human ecosystem concept is than grounded in the deconstruction of the human nature that dichotomy and the average and provide that all spaces are ecologically integrated with each other as well as with the abiotic constitutituents of their biotope

A greater number aur variety of spaces or biological diversity of an ecosystem may contribute to Greater Vigilance of an ecosystem because there are more space is present at a location to respond to changed and those episode or reduce its effects the reduce the effect before the ecosystem structure is fundamentally changed to a different state this is not universally the case and there is no Praveen relationship between the spaces division of an ecosystem and its ability to provide good and services on a sustainable level

Wednesday, 7 March 2018

Slump test concrete workability

Slump test concrete workability

Slump test and compacting factor test are the most widely used workability test for concrete the degree of workability of concrete depend on the values of test result obtained from slump test and compacting factor test

There are many types of concrete construction and each type has different workability requirements flowing table so the degree of concrete workability based on the result of slump test compacting factor test the range of resulting and results of each these test indicates the suitable use of concrete work

 the slump test is compacting factor test values so below are of contents concrete with 20 mm or 40 mm maximum size of aggregates

The concrete compacting test workability is maximum size 20 mm of 40 mm it's useful in this test because different type of factor and different type of aggregates test and workability

Monday, 5 March 2018

What is damp proof course DPC method installation of construction

What is DPC method of DPC installation in construction

Damp proof course DPC generally applied at basement levels which restricts  the movement of moisture through walls and floor selection of materials for damp proof course and it is various method of application in building is disclosed

Damp proof course material DPC

An effective damp proofing materials should have the following properties and purpose of damp proof course

  1. It should be strong and durable and should be capable of withstanding both dead as well as live load without damage
  2. It should be impervious
  3. It should be dimensionally  stable 

Damp proof course type of materials

  1. Flexible material materials like bituminous  flats which maybe Hessian based or fiber/glass fiber based plastic plastic sheet polythene sheets ect
  2. Semi rigid materials materials like mastic Asphalt or combination of material or layers
  3. Rigid materials materials like first class brick stone slag cement concrete ect 

Damp proof course selection of building DPC

The choice of material to function as an effective damp proof course require a judicious selection. 

It depend upon the climate and autumn spare condition nature of structure and the situation where DPC is to be provided

The points to be kept in view while making selection of DPC material are briefly discussed below

Above ground level DPC damp proof course

For DPC above ground level with wall thickness generally not extending 40 cm any one of the type of materials mentioned about maybe used cement concrete is however commonly adopted materials for DPC at plinth level 38 to 50 mm thick layer of cement concrete m15 ratio 1:2:4 mix serves the the purpose under normal conditions

In case of dam and who made auto spare Reacher mix of concrete should be used the concrete is further made dance by adding waterproofing materials like pudlo lmpermo Waterlock ect.

In it is ingredients during the process of mixing it is used to apply two  coast of hot bituminous  over the third surface of the concrete DPC.

Damp proof course material for floor roofs etc.

For Greater well thickness or where DPC is to be laid our large areas such as floor roofs ect.

The choice is limited to flexible materials which provide laser number of joints like mastic Asphalt bituminous felts plastic sheets ect.

The felts when used should be properly bonded to the surface with bitumen and laid with joints like mastic asphalt , bitumen felts plastic sheets ect. 

DPC where differential thermal moments occur 

In parapet walls and other such station material like mastic Asphalt situations material like mastic Asphalt bitumen felts and metal copper or lead are recommended

It is important to ensure that the DPC material is flexible so as to avoid any damage or Pancha of the material due to differential thermal movement between the material of the roof and the parapet

DPC cavity wall

In cavity wall construction like 30 hour the door or Window should be bridged by taxable material like bitumen felt strips or lead ect 

Damp proof course installation in construction

  1. DD PC Suite cover full thickness of wall excluding rendering 
  2. The motor bed upon which the DPC is to be laid should be made level even and free from projection uneven base is likely to cause damage  DPC
  3. When a horizontal DPC is to be continued up a vertical face a cement concrete fillet 75 mm in result should be provided at the junction Prior to the treatment.
  4. HD PC should be placed in core 8 relation to the other DPC so as to ensure complete and continuous barrier to the passage of water from floor walls or roof 

I think now you may have come to know about DPC if you have any problem then comments thank you so much

My email: 

Saturday, 3 March 2018

About column engineering knowledge

Column  basics  types failure patterns and condition and design

Column definition

Column  is a long cylindrical member subjected to axial comparison column carries self weight and load coming on it generally load transfer through its longitudinal direction column is categorized based on its height these are 

Types of column 

  • Short column 
  • Long column

                                Short   column

If the length of column is 15 times the least dimension of its cross section then Kollam will be short column slenderness ratio of short column is up to 80. Slenderness ratio is the ratio between effective length of column and radius of gyration 

                          Long column

If cross sectional geometry of column is other than simple shape like circle square rectangle etc then radius of gyration is required for the calculation of ultimate load that column can carry minimum value of radius of gyration is adopted during the design of column for getting minimum value as minimum value of moment of inertia in the formula radius of grayson is directly proportional to the moment of inertia

Radius of gyration is the minimum reduced from the centroid of column cross section it is denoted by  'K' or 'R' it is measured in millimetre centimetre inches ect.

Radius of gyration formula

K =   -----  

Mathematically reduce of gyration can be represented as  


K= radius of gyration

I= moment of inertia

A= cross sectional area

Note: during the design of column minimum value of radius of grayson is adopted for that always take least  value of moment of inertia in formula

 failure patterns   

Column  loading patterns 

There are two types of column loading patterns patterns depend on the location where lord is acting these are

  • Axially loaded column
  • Eccentric loaded column

         Axially loaded column 

Axially loaded columns are the one where load at 8 the centroid of column cross-section these is also known as concentric loaded column resistance of Excel loaded column is more against buckling then eccentric loaded column as shown in figure below

Eccentric loaded column 

If load at away from centroid of column cross section then such column is now as eccentric loaded column resistance of ecentric loaded column against buckling is very less than conventionally  loaded Kolam if both type of loaded column have some cross section and material then axially loaded column will be considered as stronger

Buckling load

Buckling load is the minimum load which produce buckling in a column

Crushing load   

Crushing load is the minimum load which crash the column material value of buckling load will be similar than crossing load on the same column during the design of column neither crossing road no buckling is not considered but little laser value of lord is considered which is coming on column that value of lord is known as safe load structures remain safe under safe load

Factor of safety

Factor of safety is the ratio between crushing buckling load and safe load generally factor of safety value range between 2 and 5   for  structures 

Column and condition

How much load a colon can be here also depend on column and conditions Kolam with a fixed and condition at both and will be stronger than the second column of same size length and material but having both and free ability to carry load will be different for both columns

 effective length of a column is calculated after now in the column end  conditions effective length change with the change in column end conditions following are the column end  conditions 

  • Both ends hinged
  • Both ends fixed
  • One end fixed and other hinged
  • One end fixed and other end free

Both and hinged 

This is the standard column end condition effective length in this condition is equal to the length of column effective length of other end condition can be found with reference to this condition in this condition both and of column are either pinned pivoted or rounded as shown in figure below

I= -----


I = EQUiualent length 
L= actual Length 

One end fixed and other hinged

In this condition one end of a column is stronger while the other end is very weak equivalent length for this end  is as flowing
I= -------

One end fixed other hinged

One end fixed and other free 

This and condition Makes column  to bear the smallest load than all other and condition column in such condition is very weak equivalent length for one and fixed and other free is as following 

I= 2L 

Column design formulas

There are two formulas used for the design of column these are

  1. Euler's formula
  2. Rankin's formula 

Friday, 2 March 2018

Engineer design choice of beam

Beam structure

A beam is a structural element that primarily resists loads applied literally to the beans axis its mode of deflection is primarily by bending the loads applied to the beam result in reaction forces at the beam beam support. The total effect of all the process acting of on the beam is to produce shear force and bending moments with Hindi be in that intron induced internal stresses and strains and deflections of the beam are characterized by their manner of support profile (shape of cross-section )length and their material 

Beams are traditionally description of building of civil engineering structural elements but any structures such as Automotive automobile friends aircraft components machine friends and other mechanical structural system content Bheem structures that are designed to carry lateral load are analysed in a similar fashion are called Bheem

(1)           types of beam

A simply supported beam is a type type of beam that has pinned support at one end and roller support 8d other and depending on the lord applied it undergoes shearing and bending it's it is the one of the simplest structural elements in the existence

The flowing image lecturers simply supported beam

                      Simply supported beam

(2)  cantilever beam: 

A cantilever beam is fixed at one end and free at other end it can be seen in the image below

(3)  overhanging beam:  

Overhanging beam is a beam that has one or both and portions extending beyond it is support it may have any number of supports if viewed in a different perspective it appears as if it is has the future of simply supported beam and cantilever beam

(4) continuous beam

A continuous beam has more than two supports distributed throughout its length it can be understood well from the image below

(5) fixed beam

All the names against fixed beam is a type of beam whose both and are fixed

You can share your ideas about beams by commenting on this article because I have cleared topic about the been so please share this post and comment and I hope next time columns topic explain any so please thank you so much
  Watching my website

About wall

Walls  types future and design concept

Function of walls

  • To provide protection from weather animal
  • To divide the areas
  • Act as sound barriers
  • Add firewalls to attenuate the spread of fire from one building unit to another
  • Separate the interior space
  • To improve the building appearance
  • To provide privacy

Material for wall construction

  • Timber brick concrete block reinforced concrete can be used for wall construction
  • Good for wall construction duets durability duty and able to provide comfortable area
  • Cengal is suitable to be used at hot and cold climate area
  • Meranti can be used for all types of construction in the building
  • Reinforced concrete used for precast concrete panel

Wall classification

There are two types of wall that is

A) load bearing wall

Able to carry the lord from above own weight and load from roof and transfer it to the foundation

B) non load bearing wall

 only carry their own weight

Load bearing wall

It can be exterior Volvo interior wall it brace from the roof to the floor 

  • Precast concrete walls
  • Retaining wall
  • Masonry wall
  • Pre panelized load bearing metal stud wall
  • Engineering brick wall 115 mm into 225 mm
  • Stone wall
  • As the height of the building increased required thickness of wall and resulting stress on foundation wall also increase and use it to be un economical
  • Able to carry other structure weight base beside own weight

  • Removing a section of a load bearing wall to correct A pass through requires adding a new beam and columns to support the floor above

Precast concrete wall and load bearing wall

Pre panelized load bearing metal stud walls

Stone wall and load bearing wall

Precast concrete wall and load bearing wall

Masonry wall

Load bearing retaining wall non load bearing wall

  • Now as interior wall doesn't carry other load then it is own load

Types of non load bearing walls

  • Hollow concrete block
  • Facade bricks 
  • Hollow bricks 
  • Brick wall (115mm,225mm)
Brick bonding

  • Stretcher Bond
  • English bond
  • Racking Bond
  • English graden wall Bond
  • Common and American Bond
  • Flemish garden wall bond 
  • Herringbone bond 

Header: a brick which is laid in a way that only the short and is visible in the fall

Stretcher:  a brick which is laid in a way that allows only the longer side of the brick to be exposed

English bond

Alternative courses of headers and stretcher 1 header placed centrally above each stretcher  this is a very strong bond when the wall is one brick thick or thicker one of the strongest brickwork Bond patterns 

Stretcher Bond

Easiest bond to lay & minimise the amount of cutting required originally used for single brick wall now called one and half brick wall it become they abuse choice for cavity wall ea less cutting was required

Raking bond 

Herringbone and diagonal bonds can be effective within an exposed framed contraction or continent within registering bridge courses

English garden wall bond 

An alternative version of English bond with header courses being inserted at every 4th or 6th courses this is a crosspondingly worker Bond suitable for free standing wall